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Lay Pastoral Caregivers Training
The vision of this project is to equip teams of compassionate listeners who are steeped in Benedictine spirituality.

Listening TO God's Beloveds, AS God's Beloveds
The Rev. Angela Ford Nelson is an ordained elder in the UMC, a spiritual director, and a supervisor with the Graduate Certificate in...

Gently Welcoming Spiritual Growth
Sr. Mary Catherine Holicky is a Benedictine spiritual director and supervisor. She offers a joyful sense of how to steadily, patiently grow.

Introductory Video | Lay Pastoral Caregivers Training
Learn about a training program that prepares compassionate listeners for many unique ministry settings.

Spiritual Practices for the Brain: Caring for Mind, Body, and Soul
Anne Kertz Kernion, author of Spiritual Practices for the Brain: Caring for Mind, Body, and Soul is hosting a series of events.

40 Days of Spiritual Practice
Imagine trying one simple practice daily for 40 days. How might your mind, heart, and soul be different?

Benedict on Lectio Divina
Benedict's notion of praying with Scripture leaned on the monastic language of "ruminating" with the Word of God.

Accepting the Embrace of God: The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina
Fr. Luke Dysinger OSB explores the ancient art of lectio divina and offers guidelines for various forms.

In Our Thoughts and In My Words: a personal writing consortium
Join writers Kristi Anderson and Vic Klimoski for a 2024 New Year online writing consortium including group sessions and writing coaching.

Healthy Leaders Pause and Reflect
Dr. Barbara Sutton reflects on the importance of pausing and reflecting to sustain well-being as a leader.

Reflections on the First Pastoral Visit with Bishop Neary
Bishop Neary has begun Pastoral Visits with all 29 ACCs in the Diocese of St. Cloud. These reflections follow the first meeting with three.

Thriving by Listening
What does a thriving mission look like? In part, listening synodally. Watch the video!

Spiritual Practice
Spiritual practices help us attend to and cultivate the intersections between faith and life. Benedictine wisdom helps guide the way. More..

Bridge-Builders for a Thriving Mission Sponsors Campus Ministry Events
In the fall of 2023, Bridge Builders for a Thriving Mission sponsored events for both the SJU and CSB campus ministries.
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