Lay Pastoral Caregivers Training
Bridge Building with CliftonStrengths
Congrats, Lay Pastoral Caregivers!
Lay Ecclesial Ministry Retreat
March 14: Building Community through Empathy, Kindness and Compassion
Listening TO God's Beloveds, AS God's Beloveds
March 7: Living with Gratitude
Paint the Word with Karen Handeland
February 29: Taking A Breath, Paying Attention
Contemplation in Action
Gently Welcoming Spiritual Growth
Introductory Video | Lay Pastoral Caregivers Training
Spiritual Practices for the Brain: Caring for Mind, Body, and Soul
Sharing Our Thoughts with a Spiritual Guide
Bridge Builders for a Thriving Mission Video
40 Days of Spiritual Practice
Benedict on Lectio Divina
Accepting the Embrace of God: The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina
In Our Thoughts and In My Words: a personal writing consortium
Healthy Leaders Pause and Reflect
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© 2023 by Bridge Builders for a Thriving Mission