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Thriving by Listening

Thriving Mission

What does a thriving mission look like? In part, listening synodally. On Nov. 5, 2023, a room full of people helped co-create that kind of thriving. Listening, baptismal dignity, and communal discernment were embodied through prayerful conversation.

The Theology of Synodal Listening

First, Dr. Kristin Colberg introduced the theology of synodal listening. She shared her perspective as the sole U.S. member on the theological commission for the Synod. She also helped participants appreciate the continuity between seeds being planted and the fruits being harvested over time.

Then Dr. Barbara Sutton facilitated intentional conversations for tables of five people. The process helped us wonder together: “How is the Holy Spirit calling the Church in the world today?”. The conversations culminated in concrete recommendations that Dr. Colberg will take with her back to Rome.

Sowing Seeds, Bearing Fruit

In response to Pope Francis’ invitation, let us all contribute our voices and our listening to the Synod on Synodality!

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