Worship & Community
A thriving mission has its source in liturgical worship and aims towards the flourishing of life in community. As the Second Vatican Council notes, “the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life." The Eucharist is the source of thriving together and inspires the embodiment of values and practices that express life in Christian community. Bridge Builders for a Thriving Mission provides resources for the Eucharistic revival and the Sunday Celebration of the Eucharist, as well as training and support for leaders and caregivers within communities.
Worship and Community for Thriving Communities
Bridge Builders for a Thriving Mission offers practical tools and expert consultation about training and processes that build up communities. Download a workbook or request a meeting using the form below.

Worship and Prayer
This pastoral workbook provides a vision of the Church’s communal worshiping life as well as tools for deepening our personal and communal prayer lives. Strategic thinking and synodal listening are key. This workbook focuses on possibilities rather than problems.

Lay Pastoral Caregivers Training
Bridge Builders for a Thriving Mission Initiative is providing training for lay people in pastoral care—at no cost to ACCs in the St. Cloud Diocese. Companioning one another spiritually is one of the most important ministries of a faith community. The vision of this project is to equip teams of compassionate listeners who are steeped in Benedictine spirituality. Partnering with Community of Hope International.

Shared Ministry Workshop
Enlist the guidance of Dr. Barbara Sutton and her depth of experience in pastoral planning, ministering across differences, interculturality, and workplace health. She will bring a theologically grounded and immediately practical experience to your faith community, council, or team.

Companion Guide
This companion guide centers the ancient Christian spiritual practice, radical
hospitality as common ground for renewal in the faith. It is an accompaniment to the
book Radical Hospitality by Lonni Collins Pratt with Father Daniel Homan, OSB.
Read this book alone or with a small group.
Thriving Mission Community
What does it take to thrive as a mission community? Find some insights here . . .