On April 16, 2024, Jim Otremba, MDiv, MS, LICSW, visited with ministers about compassion fatigue, burnout, and hope. Otremba is offering a four-session course on compassion fatigue this summer, and this presentation allowed minsters to learn about what he will cover in each ninety-minute coaching session. If you are interested and want to know more, please watch the video below.
Bridge Builders for a Thriving Mission is making this process available to twelve people in church leadership at no cost.
In an effort to determine what times work best for people, we have created a short survey. If you are interested in participating in the series and can take a few seconds to fill out this survey, we'd greatly appreciate it: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SWYBY5Q.
In the video, Otremba mentions the ProQOL Measure, an assessment of your professional quality of life. If you would like to take this assessment, you can find it here: https://proqol.org/proqol-measure.
If you have questions or want to know more about this Compassion Fatigue Awareness course, please contact Barbara Sutton at bsutton@csbsju.edu or Lauren L. Murphy at llmurphy@csbsju.edu.